With Dropbox, I could also backup my own files using whatever backup tool I wanted to use as the files were stored in a folder in Dropbox on my computer (this is in addition to the Dropbox “backup” ability to restore deleted files from within 30 days). Up until recently, everything I wrote in Day One was synced to Dropbox - I could use iCloud and I could have used Day One Sync when they released it, but only Dropbox filled me with confidence. I’ve been a Day One user for many years now (based on my journal, five years!) I now journal everyday - sometimes multiple times a day, but a max of Day One and notebook (the notebook normally whilst at work). It’s not quite the same as the auto sync feature built into many of the notes applications on iOS but I’ll to live without that unfortunately.
#Dropbox plugin tumblr download#
For a while, I had issues accessing the Onedrive folder on iOS for some reason - I managed to connect to it whilst outside of work, so I can upload and download documents as I need.

I have the client installed on my work laptop, my home Windows laptop and my MacBook, so everything is within reach, including all my text notes.
#Dropbox plugin tumblr for mac#
I used to use Dropbox to sync my Zotero library between my MacBook and my work laptop - now that I can download and install the Onedrive app for Mac and access my business account (following these instructions which involves some Terminal jiggery pokery), I’m able to sync my these files between the two devices with no issues whatsoever. This has played a large part in getting rid of Dropbox. Slowly, our server will be replaced with shared folders in Onedrive as well I believe.

It’s installed by default on my work laptop and we are encouraged to save all of our personal (work) files to that so that if we ever lose (or break) the laptop, we just get a new one, connect to Onedrive and carry on where we left off. My new job has an Office 365 subscription and this includes Onedrive for Business. I guess the big step change has been the addition of Onedrive. Here’s some of the reasons why I can move away. Up until recently however, it hadn’t come close enough to replacing Dropbox fully. Since I bought my Synology1, I’ve been using that more and more for various items. Well, I think it’s slowly been a long time coming. I’ve done something this week that I don’t think I’ve done for almost five years - I’ve removed Dropbox from my Mac.